Thisisme's Poetry

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Location: Switzerland

Only a man in a silly red sheet...

Friday, December 28, 2007

Reflections While Waiting in the Snow

Outside, the night is bitter dark
And all about, the snow
Glints on lamps as if some spark
Could cause in them a glow.

Yes, tis tonight by lamppost thin
On snowy Christmas Eve
That I have waited, long has been
My dewy mind deceived.

To celebrate the death of years
Hang tinsel on the tree;
If I were one, dressed all in spheres
I wonder which I’d be.

And what have I, this year gone by
Complete that I’ve commit?
A spotless mind has spun awry,
Emotions hacked a fit.

And footprints in the sand I’ve seen
Have only been my own,
The things in life I’ve always been
I’ve always been alone.

Then what I’ve gathered in the smoke
Of love’s worthless battle
Has kissed my heart till I could choke,
My very spirit throttle.

What have I gained, if not to find
That life continues on,
And what’s contained within the mind
Is never truly gone?

Yet still, by flagpoles in the dark
I stand, and still await my spark.